Paul Boateng Contact Details

paul boateng contact details

Paul boateng. paul yaw boateng, baron boateng is a british labour party politician, who was the member of parliament for brent south from 1987 to 2005, becoming the uk's first mixed-race cabinet minister in may 2002, when he was appointed as chief secretary to the treasury. 1992-11-02 photo size:. To get full contact details for paul boateng’s agent and paul boateng’s management staff, simply log in or register online today. when you register to our service, you’ll enjoy free, instant access to paul boateng’s agent – giving you the opportunity to contact their team in a matter of moments.. Find paul boateng for free! get current address, cell phone number, email address, relatives, friends and a lot more. we're 100% free for everything!.

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paul boateng contact details The rt. hon paul boateng mp was appointed chief secretary to the treasury on 29 may 2002. in 1997, he made history when he was appointed parliamentary under secretary of state at the department of health, the first black person to hold ministerial office in the government.. Paul boateng, baron boateng, was born to a ghanaian father and scottish mother in hackney, london, 1951. at age four his family relocated to ghana, where they stayed for 11 years. after returning to britain, boateng finished school and became a barrister. he was most noted for his work against police brutality..

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